

Family History & Gender History, Medieval to Modern

University of Turku, Finland 20 - 21 October 2015

The symposium is organized by a project that aims to publish a new book on the family history of Finland, focusing to the continuities and changes over the centuries, from medieval to modern. The main aim of the symposium is to create new connections between researchers that focus on family history and gender history, and to allow free time for discussion.

The symposium is free of charge and all scholars interested in the topic are warmly welcome. For coffee arrangements, please send an e-mail to Anu Lahtinen (

The invited speakers are prof. Henry French, University of Exeter, prof. Amy Harris, Brigham Young University, and Research Fellow, PhD Katie Barclay, University of Adelaide.

Contact person:   
Anu Lahtinen, Adj.Prof., University Lecturer, Universities of Turku & Helsinki, @anulah (twitter & ello)
For more information about the project members & the project itself, please check and


(Minor amendments possible)

Tue 20 October 2015

Location: Lecture Hall "Hovi", Artium Building, Kaivokatu 12, entrance level

10.30 Opening address
10.30-11.30 Research Fellow Katie Barclay
Intimate Relationships amongst Early Modern Lower Scots: a History of Collective Feeling?

11.30-12.30 Lunch
12.30-14.30 Workshop: Finnish project members present their research in English, approx. 10 min / person, disussion
14.30-15.00 Coffee break
15.00-16.00 Professor Henry French
In hopes of becoming a man’ : Younger Sons’ Experiences of Family, Gender and the Life-Course among the English Gentry, 1650-1800

19.00  Evening program

Wed 21 October 2015

Location: Arcanum, Arcanum Lecture Hall 2

10.00-11.00 Prof. Amy Harris, Brigham Young University: Kinship-consciousness, genealogical consciousness (preliminary title)
11.00-12.00 Lunch
12.00-14.00 Workshop: Finnish project members present their research in English, approx. 10 min. / person, discussion
14.00 Coffee

19.00 Evening program

About speakers

Professor Henry French, University of Exeter, has published on the identity and composition of the ‘middle sort of people’ in provincial England 1620-1750, among them a monograph study, published by Oxford University Press in July 2007.  In association with Prof. R.W. Hoyle, of the University of Reading, he has also studied land ownership in Essex and Lancashire, concentrating particularly on the decline of the small farmer, 1500-1800. French & Hoyle have published several articles on this theme, and also a monograph on the land market in the Essex village of Earls Colne, 1500-1750, with Manchester U.P. in March 2007. Professor French's newest area of research interest is in long-term processes of change in notions of masculinity among the landed elite in England, between the later seventeenth and early twentieth centuries.

Professor Amy Harris, Brigham Young University, uses both her historical and genealogical training to study family relationships of the past, particul​arly in early modern Britain.  Her first book, Siblinghood and Social Relations in Georgian England (University of Manchester Press, 2012), examines the impact sisters and brothers had on eighteenth-century English families and society. Using evidence from letters, diaries, probate disputes, court transcripts, prescriptive literature, and portraiture, it argues that although parents' wills often recommended their children "share and share alike," siblings had to constantly negotiate between prescribed equality and practiced inequalities.
 Her most recent work, Family Life in England and America, 1690-1820 (co-edited with Rachel Cope and Jane Hinckley) will be published by Pickering and Chatto in 2015. This four-volume collection of original sources  (manuscript and print) brings together sources from both sides of the Atlantic and from a wide variety of regional archives. It is the first collection of its kind, allowing comparisons between the development of the family in England and America during a time of significant change.

Research Fellow Katie Barclay is currently working in the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions. From June 2014-17, she holds a Discovery Early Career Research Award. She is a graduate in Economic and Social History at the University of Glasgow, where she completed her undergraduate degree, Masters and PhD. Before joining the University of Adelaide, she held a Research Fellowship in the Institute of Irish Studies, Queen’s University, Belfast. Between 2008 and 2010, she worked as a Research Fellow at the University of Warwick on a project, run jointly with Queen’s, ‘Marriage in Ireland, 1660-1925’.  In 2007-8, Dr Barclay was the Economic History Society Anniversary Fellow, held through the Institute of Historical Research, London.