
History of Domestic Violence and Abuse Seminar on Zoom, 13 May 2021


Welcome to the History of Domestic Violence and Abuse Seminar on Zoom, 13 May 2021, organized by Juliana Dresvina & Anu Lahtinen, University of Oxford & University of Helsinki. We study and discuss the long history of domestic violence and abuse.
History of Domestic Violence and Abuse Seminar on Zoom, 13 May 2021, 10am (BST / London) (11am CET, 12 EET / Helsinki)
Jane Gilbert ‘Sexual Violence and Sex Workers: Lorelei Lee’s "Cash/Consent" and Villon’s Belle Hëaulmière’
Trevor Dean ‘Domestic abuse from the perspective of husband-murder in late medieval Italy’
Emma Whipday ‘Tom Tyler and His Wife: Domestic Violence and Comedy in Early Modern Wife-Taming Narratives’
Lewis Webb ‘Regulation of violence against citizen women in Republican Rome’
Julia Bolton Holloway ‘Widows and Orphans’